Be where you thrive

The world’s largest online merchants, including Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), use Bango technology to acquire more paying users. 

Bango has developed unique purchase behavior technology that enables millions more users to buy the products and services they want, using innovative methods of payment including carrier billing, digital wallets and subscription bundling. Bango harnesses this purchase activity into valuable marketing segments, called Bango Audiences. Merchants use these audiences to target their marketing at paying customers based on their purchase behavior. Better targeting increases spend through the Bango payments business, in turn generating more data insights, creating a powerful virtuous circle that drives continuous growth. Everyone connected to the Bango Platform thrives as the virtuous circle grows. 

Bango. Think inside the circle.

Listed on The London Stock Exchange (AIM: BGO) in 2005, Bango provides unique technology and services used by global leaders to grow their online commerce faster and more effectively. Bango customers include Amazon, Google, Samsung, Softbank and Microsoft.

Bango is a fast growing, profitable and innovative business that is enabling its customers to grow and monetize their customer base faster and more effectively.

Bango’s journey

Bango was founded in 1999 with the disruptive idea that businesses would be able to make valuable content available to users of mobile phones over the proposed “mobile internet”.

As the pioneer of mobile internet payments, including the first credit card and PayPal transactions on mobiles, Bango rapidly partnered with leading operators to launch ‘charge to bill’ services and opened up mobile payments to early adopters and major content publishers outside the “operator walled gardens”. From 2001 to 2005, Bango established the “browse and buy” model for mobile payments. This technology delivered a familiar e-commerce experience on a mobile phone screen.

By 2005, when Bango floated on the London Stock Exchange AIM, Bango had hundreds of content providers using its direct-to-consumer billing platform. The arrival of faster mobile internet connections and better devices gradually drove more usage of mobile services. Between 2008 and 2014 as the smartphone became dominant, app stores emerged as a primary distribution channel.

Bango has become increasingly influential in the space, powering payments for many of the world’s largest app stores. Bango was involved in prelaunch with Android Marketplace – which became Google Play, and provided innovative technology to Facebook for its mobile payment systems.

In 2010 RIM selected Bango as its partner for BlackBerry App World store, the first time direct carrier billing had been used by a global app store. In October 2012 as Bango expanded its reach beyond one billion users, Google chose to work with Bango as its first “non-operator” Google Play billing partner, launching initially with Telstra in Australia and subsequently with dozens more operators worldwide. 2013 saw Microsoft integrate its Windows Phone Store with the Bango Platform. In 2014 Bango launched its first live markets with Amazon Appstore and Samsung GALAXY Apps, as well as group-wide partnerships with leading MNO groups including Deutsche Telekom and Etisalat, cementing its place as the de-facto leader in app store carrier billing.

Bango launched the first Google Play carrier billing deployments in Africa and Latin America in 2015, and in 2016 was selected to open-up the paid content market in India. Through its thriving partnership with Microsoft, Bango activated the first carrier billing launch for Xbox One content in 2016.

Unique post launch data insight technologies Bango Boost and Bango Dashboard were launched in 2015 and 2016, proven to grow the number of paying carrier billing customers and increase payment success. Bango partners use these tools to grow their business using information that only Bango can provide – due to its broad exposure to data across the whole Bango Platform. Bango post-launch technology is proven to deliver higher revenues of between 20-40%. Award-winning Bango Boost technology provides insights and recommendations to payment providers and merchants, giving partners that integrate with the Bango Platform an important competitive advantage.

Bango Resale launched in 2018 to power the bundling and reselling capabilities for businesses to provide third-party products to their customer as free trials, at a reduced cost or as add-ons. Bango Resale technology is now used by Amazon, Spotify and other leading streaming service providers. Driven by data insights that increase acquire, engage and monetize.

Bango today

Bango is chosen by commerce leaders to expand their customer reach, increase customer life-time value and make customer acquisition marketing significantly more effective. Bango Payment technology powers the global leaders. More major app stores have activated billing routes through the Bango Platform than any other carrier billing provider, and today Bango technology powers more app store carrier billing deployments than anyone else (Progressive Equity Research Limited (“”PERL””)).

Bango has an addressable reach base of over 3bn mobile users. To accelerate the continued rapid growth of the successful Bango payments business, and increase the profitability of marketing for its customers by using data accessible to the Bango Platform, Bango launched Bango Marketplace in 2019. App developers can now directly benefit from the Bango Platform, and its integration with Facebook for the first time. Bango Marketplace makes acquisition of users that will pay for valuable services up to 9 times more efficient by focusing Facebook campaigns on the users that have a history of paying, and blocking spending directed to users that do not spend.

As more customers and partners adopt the Bango Platform the growth in payments processed provides an increasingly rich source of data that app marketers can use to better target their marketing. As this more efficient marketing drives faster growth in revenues, more payments are processed by the platform and the Bango virtuous circle expands.