Competition for a share of your customers’ wallet is increasing. Online commerce has grown dramatically, meaning consumers now spend more time and more money online than ever before.

The challenge for retailers is how to stand out from the crowd, to get noticed, and to capture a share of that online spend. Bango helps you become more visible through offers and promotions of your own and third-party products, which reward new customers and retain existing customers, driving increased sales and brand loyalty.

Enhance your loyalty membership

What if your loyalty club becames the go to place for customers to manage not just your products, but other related subscription services, such as movies, music, or games?

If a customer purchases their TV from you, why not help them manage their Netflix or Amazon Prime Video streaming services. Plus… go on to own that ongoing subscription revenue stream.

Incentivize or reward customers with creative Super Bundles with compelling discounts that increase their brand perception, loyalty and spend.

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Present creative new product offers

Why not offer 6 months of Spotify free when someone buys a smart speaker? At the end of the promotional period, payment can be seamlessly collected against the card on file.

The Bango Platform helps you manage everything from the initial creative product offers, including multi-product Super Bundles, all the customer notifications, transition of promotions to paid repeat subscriptions managed by your platform.

I want to generate new revenue, keep customers engaged and grow their spend:

Explore Bango Resale

Increase customer spend by attaching subscriptions

Make repeat purchases easier for customers while generating more stickiness and a predictable recurring revenue stream. Champagne bundles when people purchase glasses, ink subscriptions for printers etc. The possibilities are endless. The Bango Platform allows you to easily create your own service bundles without the effort of changing your existing retail technology and billing platform.

TELUS about Bango – What our partners say

Watch Ibrahim J Gedeon, CTO at TELUS talk about their partnership with Bango, including the shared DNA that ensures privacy and security are maintained across payment, resale and marketing.